Meserete Kristos Seminary

The MK Seminary exists to equip men and women for the holistic transformation of the church and society!

About MKS

Meserete Kristos Church (meaning “Christ is the foundation church,” based on I Cor. 3:11) is the church that grew out of the work of Mennonite Missions in the 1950s. The church began giving informal leadership training in 1994, which included training for elders and evangelists. To address the scarcity of trained ministers, the Meserete Kristos Church Bible Institute (MKCBI) was founded in 1994 to provide biblical training for pastors, evangelists, and church leaders within Ethiopia. It was later reorganized and became the MK College in 1997. On October 16, 2020, the MK College was renamed the Meserete Kristos Seminary.

Meserete Kristos Church (MKC) owns the Seminary, which is supervised by a Board of Trustees appointed by MKC’s Executive Committee. The church is part of the larger Anabaptist body as a member of the Mennonite World Conference, an organization that has recently experienced significant membership growth outside of Europe and North America. MKC is the largest Anabaptist conference in the world, and the Mennonite/Anabaptist churches support the Seminary.


Two Departments

  1. Department of Biblical and Theological Studies

Undergraduate Programs

  1. BA in Bible and Theology
  2. BA in Mission and Intercultural Studies

Graduate Programs

  1. MA in Biblical and Theological Studies (English)
  2. MA in Bible and Practical Theology in Local Languages
  3. Department of Christian Ministries (to be launched shortly)

Undergraduate Programs

  1. BA in Peace and Development
  2. BA in Leadership and Management

Graduate Programs

  1. MA in Peace and Development

The seminary provides supervision and support for regional Bible colleges and schools, offering a BA in Bible and Theology in local languages. It also offers short-term professional training for church leaders, ministers, and community representatives on issues that are important to them. Additionally, it provides a program of enrichment and skill enhancement specifically tailored to assist pastors, evangelists, and leaders who may not have had the opportunity to receive a comprehensive education that would qualify them to attend any of the college’s programs.



A Global Community of Servants

MKS is a global Meserete Kristos Church and Anabaptist community enshrined to bring souls to the salvation of Christ, promote gospel outreach and church growth, and nurture intercultural competence. Together, we join in God’s ongoing work to renew and redeem the world.


Grace Leah Opiacha

What Our Students Say

My name is Grace Leah Opiacha, a graduate of Meserete Kristos Seminary, class of 2022. I am from Kenya and a member of the Kenya Mennonite Church. As an international student, studying at MKS was never a dull moment; it was filled with a lot of challenges as well as fun moments which made it such a rewarding experience.

Most glaring was the language barrier and a different culture from my own. It took me time to figure out certain things on my own in order to gain more independence and confidence to start enjoying learning and life at MKS in preparation for the real world that awaited me after graduation.

The learning experience was much easier than the school system back in Kenya. Being a student at MKS introduced me to different ways of teaching, educational styles, and learning, and when I combined . . .

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MKS exists to serve while being rooted in the Word and growing in the likeness of Christ

We delve into the Scriptures to be transformed in spirituality and academic excellence in the vibrant fellowship of Meserete Kristos Church and as disciples of Jesus Christ.

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